Sunday, January 29, 2017

A New Year A New Cause

Well as many of you may have seen, in 2016 I did not write much and what I did write was simply to  announce I was coming back to write only to leave again. The why of this was .. life. The election was gong on, which I had thrown myself into fully. I was still in my first year of having my  own classroom and then as soon as I had begun to master that I was promoted to a bigger classroom with more students and more responsibilities. I had a 6 year old first grader who was having a very rough time in school and then a 7 year old second grader who was recovering from a very traumatic life experience that we are honestly still dealing with. I had a very crazy 1 1/2 -2 yr old who is a whole bundle of trouble. We had family members who were sick, some we lost... and some we had issues with and drama. Lastly we were trying to buy a house. It turned out to be a much more difficult and lengthy process than we could have ever imagined. We started getting serious about it in September of 2015. It is now January 2017 and we are FINALLY working on our official mortgage paperwork. We have a house we want and are praying it is going to be the one we can get.
So now you know why I was gone... so why am I back??
Well that should be easy. Look around. Everyday scientists are being issued gag orders. Research is being hidden. Environmental groups are losing their funding, being gagged, or being banned from saying anything against our new "President". Climate Change Denial is now the official White House policy and they have begun overturning all the clean air acts. In addition the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines have been pushed through. For more information on that please read this recent article from NPR. Even the National Parks Service was attacked and have now gone rogue to help fight.
So in other words our new Orange in Charge is the worst thing to happen to this planet and environmentalism since well human first evolved! So in answer to this I am going to do all I can to help. I am not entirely sure what yet but the first step is using this platform to get information out. I will be writing in this blog as well as posting articles to my Green Mommy Facebook page.
I first began this blog as a talking piece for cloth diapers and breastfeeding. Yet over the years it evolved. It has taken many forms. It has focused on teaching and preschool, education matters, doulas, natural birth, child loss, miscarriage and still birth, feminism, circumcision, gardening, green living, organic food, the list goes on. So now this blog is getting political! I will try to keep the focus more on the environmental and science based side of the issues but truly I will most likely be speaking out against anything this regime does that I feel is wrong. So hopefully I can help inspire change!

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