Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I wouldn't be a Green Mommy without first becoming a Mommy

So this has always been a special time of year for me. The leaves change, apples fall, harvests are brought in, kids go back to school. On top of all that though I was born this time of year many moons ago. In fact my birthday is this coming Saturday. So since I was a little girl September always meant celebrations and presents and cake and fun. It is almost always sunny and warm and there is always crunchy leaves under foot.
However last year on my birthday I was 40 weeks pregnant. My due date was my birthday. I spent the day with friends hoping that I would go into labor that day. I didn't. I did however end up in the hospital that night because my husband had an infected tooth. So of course when we went in the doctors thought we were there for me and tried to whisk us off to maternity. That night (my birthday) started our 4 day journey to our son's birth. We came home from the hospital and spent that Sat and Sun getting prescriptions and dentist appt for my husband. He had  to stay home from work on Doctor's orders. Monday morning I went in for one last ultrasound. They called me afterwards and told us to call into work and come to their offices. The dreaded C word was not only brought up but told that it was really our only option. Our son was too big.
So we went in, talked to the doctor and figured out that we would be going to the hospital the next morning at 5 AM.
So Tuesday the 22nd our son was delivered by c-section at 8:17 AM. So 1 week from today will be his 1st birthday. I can not believe that he is almost 1 year old. I am just utterly blown away with how fast this year went. He is my everything. My inspiration and my life. I just simply adore him! Happy almost birthday my little man!

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